Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sanctity of Life and other things...

It's been a couple of weeks since I last posted. There is not too much to report as far as progress. Dawn is still diligently working on completing our HS typing "The Jeff & Karen show". We are still waiting to hear from our agency if they are ready to accept more families into their waiting program. In the meantime we continue to pursue other options, researching other agencies and gathering as much info as possible. I'm going to be completely honest here because this is my blog and my therapy :) I think we are more confused as ever and I find myself wishing I could take a glimpse into the future to see how this plays out. How long do we wait to see if this agency will allow us to be on their waiting list, do we try to get on other agency waiting lists, and if so, with which one? Don't get me wrong, we do completely know and trust that God has everything under control. BUT, being the control freak that I am it is so very hard for me to simply WAIT. I need progress. Jeff continues to remind me that so many times progress can not be seen. I don't pray for patience. We pray for guidance. We pray for endurance. We pray for peace. We pray for affirmations. We pray for confirmations. We have to be cautious with the route we choose because we don't have unlimited funds.

We contacted the Children's Home Society requesting info on their domestic newborn program. Their response was "We don't place children with families who already have children in the home" Hmm, go figure.

We recently celebrated Sanctity of Life Sunday at church. There are many ways to go about it and this year our Preacher discussed abortion. My heart breaks for the millions of babies that will never be. For the millions of women who didn't know there was another way. For the millions of woman who subjected themselves to filthy, disgusting, secret abortion clinics because they were too ashamed of their "condition". Thank you to all the women who chose LIFE. Thank you to all the women who endured stares, ridicule, and shame from their families. You are amazing, courageous, and brave women.

Thank you to my friends who surrounded me at the altar after service. I saw your tears falling next to mine. I felt your hands on my back and heard your prayers whispered. I love and adore you all.

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