Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Love at first phone call.

Nearly 6 years ago I heard Jeff's voice for the first time on the phone. We had never met in person, but as cliche' as it sounds, he had me at "hello". I loved that southern accent!

Well today we had our first scheduled phone call with our birth mom, and it was love. And admiration. And thankfulness. And amazement at God's miracles. And an incomprehensible amount of respect and courage. Simply put, it was phenomenal.

The call was to take place at 4pm. I was off work today but Jeff had to work, an hour away, so I drove to his work because we didn't want him to miss a thing!

The agency called right at 4pm (our time) and let us know that _____________ and her husband ______ were both in the room and she was going to put us on speaker phone. The social worker had said that they were nervous, well I was nervous enough for everyone! But once we started talking the nervousness melted away. I felt like I was talking to someone I had known for years. The four of us spoke openly and honestly about our hopes and dreams, adoption misconceptions, and miracles. We are completely blown away.

They said they are so very thankful that God is allowing them to be a part of the miracle in our lives! We are the thankful ones!! But they went on. They loved our profile book, loved the silly pictures that I was worried would deter someone from choosing us. Oh they are strong, so very strong. And very confident in their decision. She asked if we had a name chosen, we told her and they loved it. In fact, they have a nephew with the same name. They were also amazed by the amount of things that we have in common.

She has a very good support system and she said her friends wanted to have a baby celebration instead of a baby shower and she asked if we would be ok with receiving gift cards for the baby. Seriously? This situation is more than we could have ever imagined. My God is so huge and so powerful and his plans for us are way better than I could have ever planned or dreamed!

She said Baby Clayton is healthy, kicking up a storm, and does not like for her to sleep on her left side. She will be sending me the 5 month ultrasound soon, oh my goodness, how awesome will that be????

They kept saying they were so thankful that this baby was going to be a blessing. They said they couldn't imagine how hard it has been throughout the years with so many failed fertility treatments. They were caring, and compassionate, and sincere, and I was without words.

She is requesting the adoption be a closed adoption after he is born. She feels at this time that would be best for her. We told her we completely respect her decision but we would be open to communicating if she ever changes her mind.

We talked of the things that she wants him to know. She asked us for one thing. She does not want to be resented. She wants him to know that she loved him, that she will pray for him everyday, and that he was chosen. She has written him a letter which we are to give him as a young adult which will explain his beginning.

We are so thankful they wanted to speak to us. And thankful they want to talk again, next time via Skype!  I have no idea what I did to deserve such blessings.

Please continue to pray for all parties involved.


  1. I'm blown away at the miracle that is taking place in your lives right now! I'm so thankful to be a witness to it. I love you all! Lora

  2. Tears are streaming down my face! What a miracle this is. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Lisa Covert

  3. Always so amazed and touched by your story from I first started learning about it, Karen. I cry every time. Her strength amazes me. What a lovely chapter you are writing in your child's story!

  4. Neat.little.bow.
    I love how He does this time and again through the miracle of adoption. Our God is faithful. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of LIFE. Proverbs 13:12. So thrilled to watch your tree of life about to bloom, my friend. <3 Dawn Lucas

  5. Karen this is fabulous! I am so overly excited for all of you. I know the wait was hard but wow God has truly handpicked this beautiful young boy just for you guys. How amazing! I am continuing to pray for all four of you. (Isn't it neat to think of FOUR of you now?) I love ya KeKe and let me know what I can do to help.
