Friday, April 15, 2011

Mass quantities of Spaghetti and more waiting

"When lifted against the backdrop of our own standards, thoughts, and expectations, the road God chooses for us is often not the road we might expect. He often chooses a wilderness journey for us to give us an opportunity to experience Him in a way we might miss in a place of ease and convenience." 
I really really need to learn to get out of God's way. I try to plan all things. I continue to pray that my steps are directed by God and not by me.
With that being said, let's update on the adoption front. My amazing Sunday School class hosted a spaghetti dinner for our adoption fund. WOW! We are so blessed. We got together on a Tuesday night and set up tables, silverware, etc then on Wednesday my classmates cooked, served, cleaned, AMAZED. We served 211 plates of spaghetti and raised $1839!!! Can you believe it?? These funds will go directly to legal fees, birthmom expenses, and being ready when we get the call!! Here are some pictures...
                                              Stack of adoption shirts ready to sell

                                         Friends working hard to prepare salads for To-go dinners!
                                         Tables are ready for the masses! And boy did they show!
Thank you so much to our awesome family and friends who are so loving and caring and want to help us. Thank you Lord for putting these people in our lives. I know they are just as excited as we are.
Our profile has been "live" for over a month now on the agency website and the hard copy profiles they have in the office. We won't know if we have been shown to expectant moms or not. In a way, I would love to know because then we would know for sure that there was progression, but in reality it is probably best that we don't know because we would start to question "What's wrong with us, they looked at our profile but no one chose us". So we continue to wait. I admit, patience has never been one of strongest virtues, so this has been a real test for me. Jeff continues to be even kilter, calm, easy going man that I adore. Who consistently reassures me that we have done all we can do and we have to continue to trust that we will be chosen soon.
Please continue to pray that God's will be done, pray for the birth parents, agency, case workers, and all parties involved.
We can't wait for the day when we get to announce that we have been chosen!! Until then....