Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What a busy few weeks!!

Hey everyone - thanks so much reading! If you visit regularly then you realize that it has been a few weeks since I have updated. Things are going well. After being put on hold from the agency we knew we had to really think about how we wanted to proceed. Quite interesting really, God had it all figured out. A situation arose that really opened our eyes to how amazing and how fast we could be presented with our baby. I will give you the gist without giving too many details.

One morning a couple of weeks ago started normal enough, I was sitting in my office at work with a member. My cell phone had vibrated several times but I was unable to take a minute to answer. Then an email popped up on my screen and it was a friend who has been helping us through this process and who has knowledge of various situations. Her message was simply: Call me ASAP. Well, I quickly finished with my member and closed my office door. I called her immediately. She said all in a rush "I haven't called you with any of the other situations that I have learned about but I was praying when I received a phone call. I could not get your face out of my mind and I knew I needed to call you. If you have ever prayed before you need to call your husband and pray right now. A young woman has given birth to a baby boy and she is checking out of the hospital in a couple of hours and she does not want her child." She proceeded to tell me a bit more and promised that she would be heading to the hospital so she could learn more. I told her paper wise we were not ready, we had been put on hold, and we did not have a home study. What I learned was that custody is a piece of paper, the adoption itself can be obtained later. And someone was needed to take custody of this baby. I began praying for a clear answer - was our son waiting for us in the hospital?

WOW - my heart started pounding and my palms started sweating. Jeff was working in Wilmington but I knew I needed to call him. I rushed into the closest office where my friend Lisa was working so I would be away from the members piling up in the lobby. I very quickly explained the situation and she immediately prayed for us as we were in tears. I called Jeff and explained what was going on, and here is where I should mention that he is so wonderful. He keeps me calm, centered, even kiltered. He very calmly said that at the very least we should attempt to get custody so that we know he is taken care of and if during the 7 day rescission period the birth mom changes her mind then so be it.

The timing was perfect as I was going to lunch anyway, not that I could even think of eating at a time like that. I called Mom and filled her in. "Pray Mom, pray hard, pray right now" I have no doubt she did. I called a couple of my closest friends and requested prayers! Mom met me at my house and promptly hugged me and started straightening my house. I was kicking myself for leaving dishes in the sink!! I was suddenly the most unprepared expectant mom on the planet!!

Well, this is where the story changes. By the time my lunch hour was up I received another call from my friend. The birth mom decided to work with an agency and had a family lined up. Apparently she had been working with an agency during pregnancy but backed out, then decided to work with them again. I was not upset because I kept thinking about the family that got the call to go to the hospital because they had been selected. Who knows how long they have been waiting? What a blessing for them. This precious baby boy was their gift, not ours. BUT, what an eye opener that something like this could happen so quickly! I kept remembering what our friend Tracy had said "It will happen in such a powerful fast way that you will know that God has it all under control." How very right she is.

Whew, after all of that excitement I contacted the agency and requested they process our home study in case an independent adoption situation arises. So in the 2 weeks since we have obtained birth certificates, marriage licenses, divorce decrees, references, written autobiographies, ordered background checks, obtained medical records, financial statements, tax returns, and a gamut of other required docs. Our goal is to have it finished by the end of the year. Of course, when all of our paperwork is complete, we are the mercy of the system. Please pray that we remain focused, driven, and dedicated. Please pray for our adoption finances. Thank you so much for all your continued support!! We love you all!!


  1. Wow! It has been a long time since I have followed you and I am amazed! You will make such special parents to the perfect baby and might I add you already have to Amber. I will continue to pray for your family and preparation.

  2. I think of you & pray for you & your family as well as Baby Clayton everyday.

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