Wednesday, January 2, 2013

9 mo

Little man is quickly growing up! November was not the greatest month in our household due to lots of sickness but we are on the upswing now.
First, the last week of October Caleb had his first ear infection; I mentioned that in the last post. Well, after being on the antibiotics for a week, he broke out in a head to toe measle looking rash! It was so pitiful! He was literally covered every little inch of him with red bumps when soon morphed into hive like blotches over the next couple of days. It was not bothersome to him at all though, thank goodness. The Doc said it was a possible reaction to the antibiotics, but most likely a viral rash of some sort. A week later he was all cleared up.
Three weeks later I was stricken by an awful stomach bug. I thought we were in the clear because the kids had stayed the night with Jeff’s parents, but they soon called us and said that buddy boy was throwing up and had diarrhea. L They brought him home and stayed the night so that I could rest. That was a Sunday. On Monday night as I was cleaning up more throw-up from Caleb, Amber gets out of bed and runs to the bathroom. Another one bites the dust. I go to our room to hand Caleb to Jeff so I could change clothes, well when he wakes up, he too runs to the bathroom. And yet another one bites the dust. The next morning, I called the in-laws to let them know that our entire house was now afflicted and guess what? Johnny, Deb, and Stephen were all sick too! I called my Mom and Aunt, they were both sick as well. I have never seen anything quite like this virus! It hits you like a ton of bricks, out of nowhere. A few days later we thought we were all ok, so we went ahead with our Thanksgiving plans. That might not have been the greatest idea we had ever had because every single person that attended dinner came down with the same virus within 2 days. In case you were counting – that is 20 people that were sick in my family within the same week!!! LYSOL!!!
After a few days of being sick Caleb was still having some issues keeping his bottle down and once again, he had a rash! Not as bad as the first time, and it looked different, being mostly on his face and dry, patchy, and seems to itch as well. Back to the doctor we went. Apparently the bacteria that digests lactose lives on the outside of your stomach so when little man was throwing up that was the first to go which rendered him temporarily lactose intolerant. A can of soy formula was prescribed and the Doc said he should be back to normal pretty soon. He also said the rash is another viral rash, no treatment, just wait it out. His body is clear now, just his little cheeks and forehead. I really think it looks like eczema though, going to take him back again if it doesn’t clear up soon.
Ok, so that has been our month of November! So glad that it's almost over! I didn’t even write a Thanksgiving post cause everyone was still feeling blah, but obviously you know how super overwhelmingly thankful I am!!!
Caleb is crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything! He also started saying Ma Ma over and over! And I must say he has the sweetest little voice. When I don’t talk to him right away, he gets louder and louder and draws out the first syllable. Maaaaa Ma
Here are his 9mo stats:
Weight - 18.5lbs
Length - 26 1/2 inches
Size 3 diapers
Clothes - 6mo, some 9mo as well
He still loves loves loves to eat and in enjoying some more table food as well! He pretty much eats anything and everything he can get his hands on. He is still the sweetest little fella we could have ever been blessed with. His smiles melt my heart and I love to see him bounce in the crib with excitement when I walk in the room in the morning. He loves us, he trusts us, and he is ours.
We love you buddy boy and we are so thankful you are ours!


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