Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's a Blog Birthday!

The Pursuit of Baby Clayton blog celebrates 1 year of existence today! I can't believe I actually stuck with it! Not only have I managed to write a couple dozen posts, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Something kinda calming about being able to rant, knowing it's out there for the world to read or not read. Our little blog has had over 3,000 visits, yet has only 22 "official" followers. Tons of friends have said they read the blog on a regular basis, but follow anonymously. I have started friendships with other bloggers in the adoption world, which has been a great benefit of blogging. I love to rejoice in their happy news of a baby joining a family, or lifting them up in prayer when an unforseen delay is handed to them. At least 5 times a day I am asked "any news yet?" from coworkers, friends, some of my members at work, etc. I just smile and say "nope, just waiting". I need to come up with something better to say. I'm glad that people ask. I love that people are interested and I know that these folks that say they are praying, are really praying. One of my fave members from work is the sweetest older gentleman, in his 80's and a widower. Love him so much! He comes to see me weekly (under the disguise that he needs account help), but I don't care, I enjoy his company hopefully as much as he enjoys mine. Each week he says "First things first, do we have any baby news?" And each week I say "No, nothing yet" with a smile. He always responds "Well Karen, I must not be praying hard enough, I will pray more specific tomorrow". (Oh, and he is convinced the baby will be a boy)  I adore this sweet man. I hope he is around for a very long time.  

Each week, I send an email to our social worker at the agency just to check in. She is always extremely patient and encouraging although I'm sure my weekly emails are annoying. If they are, she is doing a great job of concealing her annoyance. Yesterday she said they were working with several new birthmoms who had just recently contacted the agency and she hoped we would be chosen soon. Oh boy, me too.

There was some movement on the agency website. Two new families were added to the waiting parents list, and one family was moved from the waiting list to the matched & waiting list. There are currently 12 families on the waiting list, and 4 waiting for babies to be born. On their website they also keep a list of babies they have placed this year. You know I had to count them, ok so I have counted them several times. Today the count was 55 babies placed this year. And for those of you that know I like statistics, you know I had to do the math. That is 6.85 babies a month so far this year. :) That is pretty good odds! I know we are gonna receive a call very soon!

So what else is going on in our family besides adoption? My brother is engaged!! He is engaged to a fabulous woman named Laura, and yes, we LOVE her! She is truly awesome and very good for him! She fits right in, and is already a great Aunt for Ams. I can't wait to see her with new baby Clayton. They are planning a wedding for October 2012, can't wait! She will make a beautiful bride and my brother is going to be so handsome. I'm so happy that he has met his match.

We have had a busy Summer, especially Amber. Vacation Bible School, week of horse camp, week of family vaca in the mountains, a couple of weeks with the grandparents, and she is now spending a couple of weeks with her Mom. I miss her terribly when she is not here. She will be celebrating her 9th birthday next month!!! How could that shy little 3 year old girl I met a long time ago be the same gregarious, outgoing, funny, smart, BEAUTIFUL almost 9 year old??? Scary! While she is gone this week I have performed an Extreme Room Makeover on her bedroom, she is gonna love it! Well, at least I hope she does, cause I'm not planning on painting again anytime soon. :)

Anyway, happy one year blog world! Thanks for all those that have followed our journey this year!

Love, Jeff & Karen


  1. Hey, Jeff & Karen:
    Congrats on your blog anniv. I have to admit I come back often to read & re-read your blog.
    He/She will come soon, I do hope & pray. It sometimes is hard to remember that our time is not God's time. Can't wait to see Baby Clayton.
    Love U Guys,

  2. Well happy b-day to your blog! Our will be 2 on 8/22- that is so funny b/c I never thought about it :) I do love how patient the AA staff is. They are always very sweet when I have a million questions. Hang in there b/c your baby is on their way! I thought of a few smart-alec comments to tell people whey they asked me that infamous question, but I was never gutsy enough to say them :p
