Friday, February 18, 2011

I've got a feeling...

It has been a couple of weeks since we last updated. Although it seems to have flown by! We had a very successful Valentine's adoption fundraiser. Vesta and I dipped strawberries, pineapple, apples, oranges, blueberries, pretzels, and graham crackers in chocolate, and boy was this popular! We had over 50 doz orders!! Here is a pic:

We spent the last week gathering the necessary documents for the new agency in TX. Amazingly enough for us they are willing to take copies of all our docs that we had already obtained for the NC agency. Birth certificates, marriage licences, medical records and physicals for the 3 of us, reference letters, etc, they will take them all! This has saved us much time!! We forwarded them a link to our birth parent letter and photo album for their review before we actually ordered the book, and they LOVED it! Whew, what a relief! So we forwarded all docs, the original photo album that we ordered from shutterfly, 4 color copies, and now...we wait. But it is a different kind of waiting than even a couple of months ago. A couple of months ago we did not even know that this agency existed and we were putting all our eggs in one basket so to speak. We were working on our home study and waiting to get on a waiting list for NC. We were optimistic but were starting to get wary of the process only because there seemed to be no progress. But now, things are coming together in such a way that we can't help but feel encouraged and see how God is working. Soon, we will officially be paper pregnant, or parents in waiting. Soon we will be advertised to birth families facing a huge decision. And we pray that soon, we will be receiving a call that will change our lives. In the meantime we are working on a few things....

1. Preparing to paint the mural in baby room - Noah's Ark
2. Painting big sister Amber's Room - her choice of colors
3. Making a huge calling tree of sorts to most efficiently get the word out when we receive the 1st call and when we receive a call that our birth mom is in labor. Although, we could only get one call, that our birth mom is in labor! WOW! That would be intense!
4. Making a travel list - not the obvious things but those that we would not normally think of - car seat/with base, stroller (grateful we have these 2 things already), hoping to borrow a GPS from someone so we can navigate our way around the 6th largest city in the country
5. Researching hotels, rental cars, and flights in San Antonio, TX
6. Packing a diaper bag

What else are we missing?? What else should I be working on if I were actually going to give birth?

Jeff and I both have a "feeling" that things are going to start moving even faster. Things have really been going so well that I know this would be a great opportunity for Satan to jump in and attempt to steal my thunder, but our God has this totally under control!! And we are choosing to be optimistic!

Thank you for your continued prayers, encouragement, generosity, and simply your interest in our story. We love and appreciate every one of you. Love - J & K

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