Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Lots to share, just not sure where to start!

Lots of exciting things have happened since our last blog post. After our first phone conversation, we received the first set of ultrasounds pics which were from 6w5d and 11w2d. Really neat to look at but they were so early it was difficult to see anything other than a baby blob. :) A week after our phone conversation we received a call from the agency letting us know that all was well, and that our birth mom wanted to give us her email address if we wanted it. Um, yeah, of course we want it! I didn't want to see too eager so I did wait one day before I sent the first email. The first email was simple, "Hope you are doing well", "Thanks for sharing your email address", "Praying for you" things like that. I expected her to write back. What I didn't expect was to receive daily emails, sharing our hopes, dreams, family traditions, humor, concerns, building a beautiful relationship. This is absolutely way better than I ever could have imagined.  We have shared tons of pictures. She sends us pictures of her parents, brothers, pets,  and fave vacation spots. We sent her the same and recent pics from Thanksgiving. Next week she has another ultrasound and will be emailing the sonogram! We also received the 18w sonogram and Caleb is beautiful!! Can't wait to see him in March! She has invited us to visit her and her husband before Caleb is born......so...... in six weeks Jeff and I will board a plane San Antonio bound!! So very excited! They said they want to show us everything SA has to offer! TexMex food, the Riverwalk, even the hospital where the big day will occur! She is in great spirits and has the most awesome attitude. An attitude of thankfulness which is something I was not expecting. She repeatedly tells me that she is so thankful that God chose her and her situation to bless our family. Honored is the word she uses. I can't even describe the love, respect, admiration we have for her. She signs her letters Love, D & Caleb. She reads our emails to him and tells him about us. She says she can't wait for us to feel him kicking! I let her lead when it comes to baby conversation, we want things to be at her comfort level. She is very open to sharing anything. We are both amazed at how many things we have in common!! It is such a God thing! Oh, and they asked if we would go to church with them while we are there! Isn't that awesome?? I am probably going to be an emotional wreck! I can't imagine getting the opportunity to worship with them! So so thankful! So, I think now is a good time to post some of the questions we have been asked lately:

1. Is this too good to be true? No, this is not too good to be true. This special woman, special child, special relationship was orchestrated a long time ago, which is why we waited. We waited for them. It is exactly as it should be. We both have had the most peace since we have been matched. I wish I could share all of the emails so that everyone could hear her heart.

2. What happens now? Now, we soak up every email, every phone call, every skype, every minute that we have together. She does request that after Caleb is born we have a closed adoption, which means we will no longer have any contact. We respect her decision and we have told her that the door will always be open if she chooses to contact us in the future. As much as I am looking forward to holding my son, I am already so sad at the thought of not having contact with her. My heart needs to know how she is doing. She feels this is the best situation for her healing. She is probably right. Please pray for this situation.

3. What's the deal with the birth father? Last week we learned the agency did finally make contact with him after he has not returned their calls and emails. He is due into the office in the next couple of weeks. The agency does not feel there is anything to worry about. In TX, the father can sign termination of rights paperwork before the baby is born. If he does sign, then we will be able to obtain his medical info, if he doesn't sign and he doesn't contest the adoption, then it's still no problem, we just won't get much info about him. Please pray for this situation also. It would be ideal if he would sign as early as possible. One interesting thing is that the agency can not tell him the due date, hospital, gender of baby, or anything of that nature. They also have to inform him that he is listed as a "probable father" since there has been no dna. We are still at peace about this situation but would appreciate your prayers.

4. Do you get to be there when Caleb is born? We have sort of covered this, but not entirely. We are letting her lead on this of course. She has already stated she hopes we can be there when he is born and she really hopes her doctor will induce her so we will have a date (Love her planning spirit!!). Just not sure how involved we will be. We want to be there for her in whatever role she needs us to fill.

5. So what will this baby look like? I have no idea! haha I wish I could see him right now!!! He will be a beautiful mix of races and probably have dark eyes and hair. I hope he's chubby!! haha She said she thinks he is going to be a big baby, so I may be right about the chubbiness. :) Her father is tall at 6'4, so maybe Caleb will get some height also. Who knows??? Who cares?? We pray for health health health! Everything else will just be bonus! :)

Anyway, we are loving life and preparing our home for his arrival! So much to be thankful for!! Feel free to ask any questions that you may have! Thank you for praying!


Jeff & Karen

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