If I could have the chance to speak to the birth father I would have allot of things to say. If I could ask him my questions perhaps I would understand better. If I could see his heart maybe this would be easier. If I could take a peek into the future maybe I would know that our baby would be ok. Here is what I would say if I could…..
Tell me how much you love this baby. Do you dream of holding him, kissing him, bathing him? We do. Do you wonder if he will sleep well at night or if he will continue his 2am gymnastics just as he does now while growing? We do. Do you already worry about his first shots, his first tummy ache, and his first fight at school? We do. Do you picture yourself loving him so much that it hurts? We do. Do you picture him, playing in the dirt and chasing his big sister with frogs and lizards? We do. Do you have a room for him prepared with furniture, clothes, diapers, bottles and stuffed toys waiting for him? We do. Do you have a huge multitude of friends and family that have prayed for him every single day since we knew of his existence? We do. Do you pray every single day for him? We all do.
When did a tiny apartment become better than a forever home on 16 acres? When did a single parent working night shift become better than 2 parents who have held steady same jobs forever? When did no support system become better than 2 sets of grandparents, a great grandparent, many many aunts, uncles, and cousins, many of who live on the same road? Do you worry about his soul? You have no church; you don’t even have a relationship with Christ. Who will raise this child to believe? Who will raise him to have a personal relationship with Christ? We would.
Will you tell him about his mother? We would. Will you tell him about her favorite shows, candy, love for scrapbooking, board games, chocolate? We would. Her fears, hopes, and dreams for him? Would you tell him about her love for him and about her fight for him to have a good life? We would.
I pray that you have an answer to all of these questions. I pray you will have an answer to all of his questions. I pray that you will love him with all of your heart, that you will comfort him and be everyone and everything for him. I pray that teachers and friends will come into his life and teach him about the love of his Heavenly Father. I will pray for him each and every day.
He deserves that.
Karen I know words can't express how sad I am for you and your family. I only hope that this "gentlemen" will realize what his doing and think of what is best for Caleb and not his own selfish needs. I can't begin to pretend like I know your pain but i can let you know that you are strong and brave and that you will come out ok in the end. Please don't lose faith. It is all we have!!!! congratulations on all you have done so far. Everything will be OK!!!!
AMEN sister!!!!!