Saturday, January 8, 2011

Waiting to Wait

We finished our 4th home visit this past Tuesday. It went really well. I was not all that nervous, just anxious for it to get here. The last visit!!! It seemed as though we had been working toward that very moment when the last home study would be complete. Dawn (our amazing caseworker) arrived exactly on time as usual and we welcomed her in to our home. This meeting was to include Amber and Dawn did a great job of including her right from the beginning. She took a quick tour of the house making sure to compliment Amber on her room. :) I loved showing her the baby room. We then settled in the living room. We laughed and joked and listened as Amber answered her questions. Perfectly, I might add. Dawn asked her what she thought about adoption, what she thought about being a big sister, things we do as a family, activities she enjoys, etc. One of my fave questions was "What happens when you get in trouble?" Ams said "Well, I don't get in trouble as much as I used too" ha ha Which is true. This year has been a great one, much better than 2nd grade. Dawn asked us a few last questions and that was it. In an hour and 1/2 we were finished. I should have been thrilled. And in a way I was. But I also felt sad. The last few months have been spent gathering every piece of paper imaginable, writing essays and filling out questionnaires. Selling T-shirts, baking cheesecakes and peanut butter balls, and working towards a goal. Now, we pretty much wait. Wait to hear that the agency has approved our home study. Wait to hear that the agency can accept us as a waiting family. Wait to be put on a waiting list. Wait to be chosen by a birth mom. Wait to find our where this journey will lead us.

Things could also go in a direction away from the agency. Our family physician, my ob/gyn, our family, friends, church, or blog readers could contact us at any time and know of someone who was considering adoption for their unborn child. Been researching local adoption lawyers just in case....

I pray for our case worker, the ones who will approve our home study, our agency, and for guidance on this journey.

Have I mentioned lately that I adore my husband? I am completely and totally in love with him. For the father he is with Amber, to the husband he is to me, to the friend he is to others. I adore him and I absolutely would not want to be doing this with any one else on the face of the earth. God knew what he was doing when he made our match 5 years ago. I am so thankful.

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