Sunday, November 25, 2012

8 months

Once again, I am super way behind on posting to this little blog. At least he hasn't turned 9 months yet, so I am not too far behind. LOL

Once again, another month has snuck up on me. I can not fathom that we are nearing the holiday season. I also can not fathom that I have a baby boy sleeping in the next room who will be helping us celebrate these holidays. So many Thanksgiving's and Christmas’s have gone by in years past that I dreamt of having a baby to share them with. It’s all going by way too fast though. I just want to freeze frame these days. He is getting more and more fun and it’s getting harder to be away from him. It’s hard to leave for work now because he cries as I walk out the door. I wish I could hold his snuggly little body next to mine all day and never have to leave him. He’s always sweet but in the mornings he is particularly sweet with his messy hair, sleepy eyes and laid back personality. We have our little morning routine and I think I enjoy it as much as he does. When he wakes, anywhere between 6 -7am he is usually crying to let us know he has had enough and wants out of his crib! He cries through his quick diaper change but it’s a necessary evil because the sopping thing is usually on the verge of exploding and has to weigh 5lbs! We then walk into the living room to our favorite chair with a bottle and blanket in hand. He laughs and squeals at the TV in anticipation of what he knows is coming on the screen. Barney is the major part of his morning routine. That’s right folks, my little man is absolutely hooked on Barney! He stays enthralled from the first little intro music until the “I love you” song in the end. Once the show has started (Thank goodness for Netflix with Barney readily available!) he lays his head against my arm and lazily drinks his bottle. I love this time before the rush of getting ready for school and work even if I do go to work with Barney songs in my head.
This month has proven to be another one of growth and development. He has modified his crawling again, it’s looks like a wounded warrior crawl, one leg up so his foot is flat on floor, and the other leg bent so his knee is touching. Sometimes, he is on all fours and sometimes he just hops on his padded bottom to get where he is going. It is so funny! He has no problems getting to where he wants to go and usually makes quick work of it! He is also pulling up on anything he can get a hold of, couch, chair, and your legs. We had to lower the mattress in the crib because he was pulling up and looking over the top with a sly little look in his eye. I think he was plotting his escape. We foiled his plans, for now. He also has 2 of the prettiest little bottom teeth you have ever seen! (Yes, insert biased opinion). But they are cute, really. His first tooth popped through on Jeff’s birthday, the 16th of October with the 2nd coming just 5 days later. He did get a runny nose and ended up getting a cold and his first ear infection. Of course, the doc said it was not related to teething but so many Moms have told me otherwise. I’m just grateful he is feeling much better! That was a rough couple of sad, cranky days. And Caleb was pretty cranku, almost as cranky as me!  Halloween fell right in the middle of his sickness so we opted not to take him out. I did dress him up as a little lion and took some pictures but Grandma stayed home with him and we took Amber to the Trunk or Treat at church.
Caleb continues to eat like a champ and wants anything and everything he sees! If you are holding him while eating he goes right for your plate so you better be careful if you don’t want him to have it! He stole hash browns off of Grandma’s plate at IHOP a couple of weeks ago. He was in the highchair but his little fingers were long enough and fast enough to snatch food off her plate and cram it in his mouth before anything could be done. Really, it was that fast! He also enjoyed a tiny bit of my pancakes, but that was my own doing. And he loved it. Mostly he just sticks to baby food - he loves it! He is even enjoying the green stuff as long as we mix it with something more enjoyable, like peaches. I have an aversion to baby food meat in a jar – ugh it looks and smells like wet cat food!! Caleb is not so sure he likes it either. He continues to wolf down the puffs and mum mums with a passion. Now that he has a couple of teeth you can hear him crunch down and it is precious.
We also celebrated my brother Kevin's wedding to Laura. It was a beautiful wedding and I'm pretty sure a great time was had by all! Amber was a junior bridesmaid and she looked so pretty, and grown! :( Laura was radiant and Kevin was as handsome as ever. Caleb looked quite dapper in a plaid button up shirt and black cord pants. At the reception he changed into a tuxedo onesie, he was ready to party! LOL It really was a wonderful time, I know they will make each other happy for a very long time.
Well, I'm gonna close this for now because in a couple of weeks it will be time to write the 9mo post.
We love you baby boy and am so very thankful that we can call you ours!